Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber NACP

Item Number :
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber NACP.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber NACP.
Scanditronix / Wellhofer Parallel Plate Chamber NACP.
All plane parallel chambers are designed for measurements with high reproducibility in air, in solid or in water phantoms.
The NACP is designed according to recommendations of the Nordic Association of Clinical Physicists (NACP), Acta Radiologica Oncology 19,55. The chamber is used for absolute dosimetry of electron beams 2-50 MeV. A thinner front wall minimizes contamination of the beam and allows measurements at shallow depth and high accuracy even at low electron energies is guaranteed. Low polarity effect
• Waterproof
• Air ionization chambers
• Vented through waterproof sleeve
• Fully guarded
• Supplied with individual factory calibration certificate and user’s guide
Materials: Mylar foil and Graphite window; Body PMMA; Electrode Graphited
Window Thickness: 104 mg/cm-2, 0.6 mm
Active Volume: 0.16 cm3
Electrode Spacing: 2.0 mm
Collecting Electrode Diameter: 10.0 mm
Guard Ring Width: 3.0 mm
Waterproof: Yes